
Universal Fireproofing Patch, 5 gal pail, 25 Lb

25 Lb


Hand applied fire resistive material designed specifically for the patching and repair of damaged Spray-Applied Fire Resistive Materials (SFRMs). UL Classified versatile.

  • Each pail contains enough to cover 25 patches the size of a piece of paper (8.5” x 11”) at ½ inch thick

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Universal Fireproofing Patch adheres optimally to dry coatings, performs thermally equal to or better than any existing SFRM, and has been approved against both medium and commercial grades of fireproofing, fiber or cementitious, for up to 3 hours of protection.  UFP has been fully vetted by VTEC and ITS laboratories as a trowel applied patch. It is also Classified by UL as a Spray-applied Fire-resistive Material as described in UL’s Design Y737


  • UFP typically cost 50% less than current fireproofing patch solutions when factoring in labor and equipment
  • UFP is a do-it yourself product. You don’t need certification, spray equipment, or multiple workers to use the product; simply mix with water and apply with a trowel
  • Adhesion, cohesion and density are superior to most existing coatings
  • UFP is fully vetted by VTEC and ITS laboratories as a trowel applied patch
  • While primarily a patch material, UFP has been tested by UL as a Spray-applied Fire-resistive Material and is Classified by UL for use in UL’s Design Y737 (Product IQ)
  • UFP successfully meets the requirements of ASTM E 84, ASTM E 119, and UL 263 as a SFRM
  • All thermal tests exceed three hour duration
  • Fire resistivity is equal to or greater than existing coatings
  • UFP has tested compatible with both fiber and cementitious applications
  • At 432 sq. in, the maximum patch size is 3 times the previous allowable standard
  • Working life is 2-3 hours
  • UFP is tested compatible with medium and low density materials
  • Each kit contains enough to cover 25 patches the size of a piece of paper (8.5” x 11”) at ½ inch thick


Current regulations require that any fireproofing patching must be completed with the exact same coating that was originally installed. If you’re working with a new application, where the material (and manufacturer) are known, by all means contact the manufacturer and follow their repair procedure. If the exact material is unknown, no longer being manufactured, or for some reason unavailable, what do you do? Removing the coating from the entire beam and re-spraying it is certainly one option, however this will come at a cost with a whole bunch of zeros. Since there has been no acceptable procedure for patching under unknown conditions, the incentive has been great to just make the problem go away. Before UFP it was commonplace to scrape stuff off the floor, use taping compound, anything—just to make the problem disappear.

When it comes down to it you can feel good about using UFP because it works. And when you’re responsible for doing a job that has the potential to save lives, there’s real comfort in that. Unlike any existing fireproofing patch solutions, UFP adheres optimally to dry coatings, performs thermally equal to or better than any existing SFRM, and has been approved against both medium and commercial grades of fireproofing, fiber or cementitious, for up to 3 hours of protection.  UFP has been fully vetted by VTEC and ITS laboratories as a trowel applied patch. It is also Classified by UL as a Spray-applied Fire-resistive Material as described in UL’s Design Y737 (see UL Test Design Y737 at UL Product IQ).


PDS  SDS Application Instructions UL_Design.Y737


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